Roof Maintenance Basics: How To Keep Your Roof Tidy at All Times

In many American homes, roofs don’t get nearly as much care as they deserve. A dirty roof is more than just an eyesore: if allowed to go unchecked, grime, debris, and bacteria can actually reduce the overall service life of your roof and force you to call in a roof service in Mount Laurel, NJ, much sooner than you otherwise would.
In previous articles, we gave you a list of time-tested roof maintenance tips and provided you with a brief roof-cleaning guide. Now, we’ll expand on this topic by answering some common questions about roof cleaning. Read on to learn more.
Is it ok to powerwash a roof?
Power-washing dirty shingles may be satisfying to watch, but it’s rarely good for your roof. This is because pressure washers produce high-pressure jets of water that asphalt shingles simply aren’t built to handle.
This will not only blow off the protective granules, but may also damage the shingles themselves, ruin the adhesive bond that holds them together, and even seep into and hurt the fabric underlayment. To make matters worse, pressure washers tend to be cumbersome, so lugging them up the ladder for roof work can be extremely risky.
What is the best roof cleaning product?
Always use an appropriate cleaner for your roof type. For instance, if you have asphalt shingles, use a specialized asphalt shingle cleaner. Make sure to wear appropriate protection and apply the product in accordance with the guidelines on the bottle.
Keep in mind that rainfall can dilute the cleaning chemicals, causing the runoff to drip on the ground below and damage the surrounding plant life. If this is a concern for you, make sure to buy a plant-friendly cleaning solution.
How do you make your own roof cleaner?
These days, Americans are more environmentally aware than ever before. So it’s no surprise that many homeowners go out of their way to carefully recycle their roofing materials and avoid using commercially produced cleaning chemicals that may be harmful to people, animals, and the planet.
Luckily, as with many other types of house cleaning, you can make your own cleaning solution using the standard items that you probably already have in your home.
Here are some roof cleaners you can easily make yourself:
- White vinegar solution. Mix 3 cups of white vinegar in 2 gallons of water.
- Oxygen bleach solution. Put a single pound of powdered oxygen bleach into 2 gallons of water.
- Dish soap solution. Mix 8 ounces of dish soap with 2 gallons of water.
- Chlorine bleach solution. Place 3 cups of liquid chlorine bleach in 2 gallons of water.
You can use your pressure washer to apply the solution to the roof. Since your goal is to spread the cleaner rather than pressure-wash the roof, use the lowest pressure setting and the widest nozzle. If you opt for a bleach solution, make sure your pressure washer is compatible with it. If that’s not the case, stick with the vinegar or dish soap methods instead.
Where can I book a quality roof service in Mount Laurel, NJ & other communities across the Mid-Atlantic?

At Nu Look Home Design, we enjoy a 94% satisfaction rate among past customers, which is unmatched in the industry. In addition to roofing services, we can also supply you with professional-grade solar, gutter, window, and door installation services in Mount Laurel and other cities across New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia.
Our team of seasoned experts will gladly take care of your home improvement needs while you enjoy a leisurely stroll by the Evesham Friends Meeting House with your loved ones. Get in touch with us today and benefit from our superb workmanship and industry-leading lifetime warranties.
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